Enterprises, will you own your IOT datas?
IoT architectures can supply both the raw
material as well as sophisticated real-time and historical analytics that shape
and guide those intelligent business decisions. However, the analytics will
normally be performed by third-party partner organizations such as SAS, Oracle,
or IBM that have authorized access to these information gold mines. Your
integrator/partner analytics tool should be agnostic and the company’s
cloud-read modules should provide seamless transfer of data from the field to
the Cloud Platform, therefore facilitating the flow of data. Do you want
Google, Oracle, SAS, Salesforce to own your data?
If we look ahead to the time when we take
this development for granted, we can anticipate ownership of the data to become
an issue. When it becomes a valuable resource Intellectual Property can enter
the equation along with corporate lawyers.
Example: the Connected Car is one of the many commoditized devices that
provide access to users’ online data and profiles. So does Silicon Valley, insurance company or
user own this data? On the other hand it
opens up access to new revenue and profit streams for OEMs and new entrants, so
will the car manufacturers keep control? Time will tell.
Sources : Telit, Gartner
Key words : IOT data, data Owner, Privacy, IOT new economy,
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